Three greatest scientists in the history of human civilization:
Aristotle (384 BC - 322 BC)
Isaac Newton
(January 4, 1643 - March 31, 1727)
Albert Einstein
(March 14, 1879 - April 18, 1955)
Informalogy Forum
This website aims at providing a forum for theoretical research and
application explorations of information science.
NOTICE: Your use of each and all preprints downloaded from this website should not have commercial nature (whether for a fee or for free) unless you obtain written permissions from each and all the corresponding copyright owners.
- Jianwei Dian, A Meaning Based Information Theory - Informalogical Space: Basic Concepts and Convergence of Information Sequences, Information Sciences, Vol. 180, pp. 984-994, 2010. (Preprint: PDF file.)
- Jianwei Dian, Informalogical Space: Decomposition, Compactness and Isomorphism, 2011. (Preprint: PDF file.)
- Jianwei Dian, Informalogical Space: Open Information Intervals, Open Convergence and Open Compactness, 2012. (Preprint: PDF file.)
- Jianwei Dian, Apply Topological Study to A Meaning Based Information Theory, 2013. (Preprint: PDF file.)
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